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Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorChernykov, Denis-
dc.contributor.authorShvachko, Vitalii-
dc.contributor.otherNesterova, Оlena (scientific supervisor)-
dc.contributor.otherНестерова, Олена Валентинівна (науковий керівник)-
dc.contributor.otherShashkina, Nataliia (language consultant)-
dc.contributor.otherШашкіна, Наталія Іванівна (мовний консультант)-
dc.identifier.citationChernykov D. Hot water supply systems of open and closed types / D. Chernykov, V. Shvachko ; науковий керівник : О. Nesterova, N. Shashkina // Матеріали наук.-практ. конференції студ., аспір. і молодих вчених, 27-28 березня 2023 р. – Дніпро : ПДАБА, 2023. – С. 468-470en_US
dc.description.abstractEN: Every winter the deterioration of heating systems, the low quality of work done by public utility services, exorbitant bills for the phantom heat turn our lives into a dull misery. The transition to an autonomous home heating − means the freedom to choose the optimal temperature mode, hot water all year round. Hot water systems of open and closed types are used in the construction of household and residential buildings. These methods differ in the peculiarities of the laying and the operating principle. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.en_US
dc.publisherПридніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектуриen_US
dc.subjecthot water supply systems of open and closed typesen_US
dc.titleHot water supply systems of open and closed typesen_US
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