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Повний запис метаданих
Поле DCЗначенняМова
dc.contributor.authorDanylov, Daniil-
dc.contributor.otherNechepurenko, Daria (scientific supervisor)-
dc.contributor.otherНечепуренко, Дар'я Сергіївна (науковий керівник)-
dc.contributor.otherShashkina, Nataliia (language consultant)-
dc.contributor.otherШашкіна, Наталія Іванівна (мовний консультант)-
dc.identifier.citationDanylov D. Managing direct and on-line marketing / D. Danylov ; scientific supervisor : D. Nechepurenko, language consultant N. Shashkina // Матеріали наук.-практ. конференції студ., аспір. і молодих вчених, 27-28 березня 2023 р. – Дніпро : ПДАБА, 2023. – С. 793-796en_US
dc.description.abstractEN: Today, the explosion of media is enabling many more companies to sell their products and services directly to customers without intermediaries, using traditional media (print and broadcast media, catalogs, direct mail, and telephone marketing) plus fax machines, e-mail, the Internet, and on-line services. Innovative marketers are creatively combining traditional and new media to make direct, individualized offers to existing customers, to identify their best prospects, to better target their offers, and to measure their results more accurately.en_US
dc.publisherПридніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектуриen_US
dc.subjectdirect marketingen_US
dc.subjectmarketing on-lineen_US
dc.titleManaging direct and on-line marketingen_US
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