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Назва: Геній, яким пишається Україна (До 120-річчя народження О. Довженка)
Інші назви: A genius of which Ukraine is proud (To the 120th anniversary of the birth of O. Dovzhenko)
Автори: Євсєєва, Галина Петрівна
Yevsieieva, Halyna
Дірявка, Юрій Павлович
Diriavka, Yurii
Перетокін, Андрій Геннадійович
Peretokin, Andrii
Ключові слова: Olexandr Dovzhenko
film poetics
socialist realism
testament of genius
«Ukraine in Fire»
national consciousness
filmstory «Land»
Дата публікації: вер-2014
Видавництво: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Бібліографічний опис: Євсєєва Г. П. Геній, яким пишається Україна / Г. П. Євсєєва, Ю. П. Дірявка, А. Г. Перетокін // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 9. – С. 58-65
Короткий огляд (реферат): UK: Стаття присвячена 120–й річниці від дня народження видатного українського кінорежисера О.Довженка. Розглядається діяльність і творча спадщина генія. Говориться про необхідність творчого осмислення гуманістичних ідей О.Довженка у зв'язку з розвитком сучасного українського кіномистецтва.
EN: Problem. Another anniversary of any Ukrainian artist encourages us to leave our current affairs and to understand the unique artistic heritage of the people who wrote the letters of gold in the constellation of the Ukrainian elite. An important place among them is occupied by a prominent Ukrainian film director and innovator, a writer and artist Olexander Dovzhenko. In September this year we marked 120 years since his birth. His work and artistic heritage is an era in the Ukrainian Soviet cinema. It was the most difficult period in the history of the national culture, the so–called period of the socialist realism. O. Dovzhenko’s activity deserves careful study, especially the crucial role of cinema, which forms the consciousness of millions. These studies are particularly important for the current state of the Ukrainian cinema, which has a solid legacy, but now it hardly shows the signs of life. It is necessary to study thoroughly the inheritance of the genius Ukrainian artist because of the urgent tasks of the Ukrainian statehood and culture. In our opinion, the study of O. Dovzhenko’s art and life can contribute into the development of the national idea, which is realized in the inspired creations of the artist. The aim is to analyze the creative heritage of O. Dovzhenko and the possibility of its use in connection with the important tasks of modern Ukrainian culture. Analysis of the publications. Among generalizing papers on O. Dovzhenko of modern period the researches by A. Zamlynsky and M. Palienko dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the artist’s birth can be mentioned. Among the articles in the current periodicals thorough works by L. A. Bryukhovetska, R. Korogodsky, L. Pryhorovska, J. Trymbach, A. Sharvark, A. Yaremchuk can be distinguished. Little–known archival materials were used in these publications. Noteworthy methodical work by A. Matosova in which the materials from the recently opened to the public «Diary» by O. Dovzhenko is of great interest. Also, in our opinion, a worthwhile thorough analytical article was published in the newspaper «Day» by well–known Ukrainian writer and philosopher S. Grabowsky. Conclusions. It has long been undisputed that creativity by O. Dovzhenko, filled with love for Ukraine and its people, gained immortality. And it belongs not only to Ukraine but for the whole world because it is organically combined with the national culture and the world one. Despite the fact that the main period of the artist’s work took place in the period of the socialist realism in the USSR, Ukrainian cinematography genius went far beyond it. His worldview, identity of his dramatic and directing style, poetry, emotion, creating his own film school put him in a number of the greatest artists of the Ukrainian and world cinema. But for us, the citizens of Ukraine, it is important also that O. Dovzhenko was not only a talented artist. Ranked a high place in the Soviet cultural elite, he not only observed the deficiencies of the system, but also he tried to pay attention to the needs of the ordinary people (the government regarded them as «screws»), defended the need for a true study of history and national education. Humanistic ideas of our talented cultural leader have not lost their relevance. He is truly an artist with a capital letter, Ukraine.is proud of him Thus, the 120–year anniversary of O. Dovzhenko’s birth is a good opportunity to pay attention of the responsible citizens of our homeland to the problems of modern Ukrainian cinema, as a powerful means of education, promotion of the Ukrainian national idea, attracting masses to the culture using the samples of high art.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): http://srd.pgasa.dp.ua:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/11568
Інші ідентифікатори: http://visnyk.pgasa.dp.ua/article/view/42119
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