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dc.contributor.authorЗахаров, Юрий Иванович-
dc.contributor.authorZakharov, Yuryi-
dc.contributor.authorКарнаух, Е. С.-
dc.contributor.authorZakharov, Yurii-
dc.identifier.citationЗахаров Ю. И. Проведение натурного эксперимента по выявлению уровня звукового давления, вызванного движущимся потоком автомобильного транспорта на улицах г. Днепропетровск / Ю. И. Захаров, Е. С. Карнаух // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 5. – С. 7-12uk_UA
dc.description.abstractRU: Дано описание метода определения шумовых характеристик движущегося транспортного потока, приведены результаты теоретического расчёта с использованием базовой формулы. Далее представлены результаты натурного исследования. Сделан вывод о нецелесообразности использования базовой формулы, повсеместно применяемой при расчёте эквивалентного уровня звука от движущегося потока автомобильного транспорта.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEN: Problem statement. Correct detecting of the equivalent loudness level caused by moving vehicle flow is a serious problem nowadays. It is a questionable task because the most recent investigations in this field of science were held thirty years ago and they need to be modernized. Analyzing of the resent research. Attempts to produce a mathematical theory of traffic flow date back to the 1920s, when Frank Knight first produced an analysis of traffic equilibrium, which was refined into Wardrop's first and second principles of equilibrium in 1952. A lot of scientists all over the world such as R. Kartabaev, V. Syl'yanov, F. Kheyta, D. Dryu et al. were working on the problem of the equivalent loudness level calculation. However, their research was being conducted long ago. In the modern world the new model for the traffic noise calculation is required. Research objective. The aim of the article is to describe the natural investigation of traffic noise calculation and to show that the base formula went outdate. Conclusions. Comparing the results of calculated and measured equivalent loudness levels makes evident that in case of using the base formula the results are 3,7 % overrated. This fact is connected with the difference between noise characteristics of modern cars and ones used thirty years ago. Road traffic system has changed significantly during this period of time: the traffic flow intensity has grown whereas the speed has reduced on the traffic area; geometrical and qualitative parameters of the traffic system differ from the old ones; a modernized car fleet has also gained different qualitative and quantitative characteristics. In particular, noise indicators of the singular vehicle reduced, but the general cars number increased. Thereby using the old method for equivalent loudness levels calculation isn’t reasonable. There is a question of modernizing the calculation method. Nowadays techniques is developing fast so that the equipment for the traffic noise detecting does.-
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»uk_UA
dc.subjectтранспортный потокuk_UA
dc.subjectэквивалентный уровень звукаuk_UA
dc.subjectметодика определения шумовой характеристикиuk_UA
dc.subjecttraffic flowuk_UA
dc.subjectmethod of noise characteristics detectinguk_UA
dc.subjectequivalent loudness leveluk_UA
dc.titleПроведение натурного эксперимента по выявлению уровня звукового давления, вызванного движущимся потоком автомобильного транспорта на улицах г. Днепропетровскuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeCarrying of the natural experiment for sound pressure level detecting caused by the moving traffic flow on the streets of Dnipropetrovskuk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 05

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