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Title: Аналіз впливу агресивного середовища та процесів руйнування на елементи архітектури з полімербетону
Other Titles: Analysis of influencing of aggressive environment and destruction processes on architectural elements with polymer–concrete
Authors: Харченко, Катерина Сергіївна
Kharchenko, Kateryna
Keywords: type of polymeric astringent
aggressive environment
вид полімерного в’яжучого
агресивне середовище
Issue Date: May-2014
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Харченко К. С. Аналіз впливу агресивного середовища та процесів руйнування на елементи архітектури з полімербетону / К. С. Харченко // Вісник Придніпровської державної академії будівництва та архітектури. – 2014 – № 5. – С. 44-50
Abstract: UK: Викладено загальний аналіз впливу найпоширеніших видів агресивного середовища на полімерні матеріали. Вказано основні типи деструкційних процесів, які спостерігаються в архітектурних елементах із полімербетону, що сприяє правильнішому вибору виду полімерного в’яжучого залежно від умов експлуатації.
EN: The Dnepropetrovsk region is one of the most industrially–developed regions of Ukraine. One most ecologically dangerous industries of industry of the Dnepropetrovsk region there is metallurgy which includes at itself coke, rental production and other. In the conditions of incessant growth of the ecological contamination it is necessary to have the varied and detailed state information actual aggressive surrounding environment. For ten years the indexes of dioksid nitrogen (fall of acid rains) in atmospheric air of Dnepropetrovsk exceeded maximum possible concentration in 3–4 times. The increase of requirements to operating descriptions of building wares was instrumental in development of a number of new compositions materials. A polymer is the varieties of such materials polymer a cement compositions and polymer – concrete, which are widely used in industrial and civil building. The analysis of the most widespread aggressive environments is conducted. The analysis of destruction processes, that is observed in architectural elements with polymer — concrete, showed that on the sort of influence on polymeric materials all external actions can be divided into two kinds. To the first belong action of water and some other liquid environments which draw in a polymer he circulating adsorption lowering of durability. Actions which cause irreversible destruction processes belong to the second. Influencing of aggressive environment that draws irreversible destruction processes in polymeric materials, it is possible to divide into three basic groups which draws: – dissolution of polymer by different solvents; – acceleration of formation of free radicals and atoms; – chemical cooperation with aggressive products, related to destruction of molecules of polymer. Classifying, on characteristic actions, all variety of aggressive environments and shells processes of polymer — concrete elements and constructions which are exploited at action of external aggressive environments, we can select four basic types of destruction of polymer — concrete. In practice not always there is destruction fully certain type, but in most cases it is possible to select prevailing action of destruction. Diminishing of intensity or stopping of all types of destruction consists in the correct choice of polymeric astringent, most proof to action of concrete aggressive environments and receipt of maximally possible closeness of polymer — concrete for the decline of diffusive permeability of aggressive environments in a depth material. Classification of destruction of polymer — concrete on four basic kinds is instrumental not only in more correct choice of type of polymer — concrete depending on external environments, to more rational approach at development of new compositions of polymer — concrete.
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