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dc.contributor.authorБезугла, Людмила Сергіївна-
dc.contributor.authorBezugla, Lyudmila-
dc.identifierDOI: https://doi.org/10.32782/2224-6282/154-5-
dc.identifier.citationБезугла Л. С. Маркетинговий аналіз плодоовочевого ринку в контексті виробництва біологічно цінних харчових продуктів / Л. С. Безугла // Економічний простір. – 2020. – № 154. – С. 31-35.en_US
dc.description.abstractUK: У статті здійснено маркетинговий аналіз стану та особливостей плодоовочевого ринку України. Проаналізовано обсяги споживання плодоовочевої продукції в Дніпропетровській області та в Україні у цілому. Визначено норми споживання плодоовочевої продукції. Для визначення достатності продукції на плодоовочевому ринку України проаналізовано динаміку виробництва плодоовочевої продукції в країні. Встановлено, що аналіз раціону населення на протязі останніх років свідчить про зменшення споживання найбільш біологічно цінних продуктів. Доведено, що обсяги виробництва плодоовочевої продукції з кожним досліджуваним роком збільшуються. Досліджено та визначено ключову проблему в розвитку виробництва плодоовочевої продукції. Визначено проблематику ринку продуктів переробки плодоовочевої сировини.en_US
dc.description.abstractEN:The article deals with the marketing analysis of the condition and features of the fruit and vegetable market of Ukraine. Consumption of fruit and vegetable products in the Dnipropetrovsk region and in Ukraine as a whole is analyzed. The consumption norms of fruit and vegetable products have been determined. In order to determine the adequacy of production in the fruit and vegetable market of Ukraine, the dynamics of production of fruit and vegetable products in Ukraine is analyzed. It has been established that the analysis of the diet of the population during the last years shows a decrease in the consumption of the most biologically valuable products. It is proved that the volume of production of fruit and vegetable products is increasing every year. A key problem in the development of fruit and vegetable production has been researched and identified. The problems of the market of products of processing of fruit and vegetable raw materials are defined. Consumption of biologically valuable products is extremely important for humans, so their quantity on the market should be sufficient for consumers. The domestic market for organic fruits and vegetables has certain problems. The key problem in the development of fruit and vegetable production is its realization. Exploring the structural changes that have taken place in the vegetable industry, it becomes clear that there is a need to create an effective fruit and vegetable market that would provide the population with fruit and vegetables throughout the year. Effective market infrastructure directly affects the competitiveness of products both in the external and internal markets. The main competitive advantages of domestic fruits and vegetables in the world markets are: organic production and low operating costs. Analyzing the results of the marketing analysis of the fruit and vegetable market of Ukraine in the context of the production of biologically valuable foodstuffs, we emphasize that this market is at the stage of formation. Its development is first and foremost influenced by the natural factor, it is relevant for the market of vegetables and fruits, forms a supply of products for consumers, the yield of which depends also on the level of prices for goods. Consumption volumes and production volumes of fruits and vegetables determine the current state of the market. It is important to take into account the fact that land, as the main means of production, requires specialized, professional care of the technology of growing products of the fruit and vegetable sector.-
dc.subjectплодоовочева сировинаen_US
dc.subjectfruits and vegetablesen_US
dc.titleМаркетинговий аналіз плодоовочевого ринку в контексті виробництва біологічно цінних харчових продуктівen_US
dc.title.alternativeMarketing analysis of the fruit market in the context оf the production of biologically valuable food productsen_US
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 154

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