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Title: The typological analysis of the development of mobile housing in post-industrial Europe
Other Titles: Типологічний аналіз розвитку мобільного житла в постіндустріальній Європі
Типологический анализ развития мобильного жилья в постиндустриальной Европе
Authors: Myronenko, Viktor
Мироненко, Віктор Павлович
Мироненко, Виктор Павлович
Tsymbalova, Tetiana
Цимбалова, Тетяна Анатоліївна
Цымбалова, Татьяна Анатольевна
Keywords: mobile housing
Cargotecture technologies
aquatic housing
capsule-type dwellings
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Myronenko V. P. The typological analysis of the development of mobile housing in post-industrial Europe / V. P. Myronenko, T. A. Tsymbalova // Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie. Seria «Kulturowe i cywilizacyjne postawy polaków». - Lublin : Wydział Ogrodnictwa i Architektury Krajobrazu Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, 2018. - S. 112-119.
Abstract: EN: The article is devoted to the problem of using mobile housing in the territory of postindustrial Europe. In the work the analysis of typological organization of mobile habitation is made on the basis of studying modern European experience. As a result of the study, the main typological varieties that have spread among the population of different socio-demographic composition have been identified. The article deals with issues related to the constructive and functional possibilities of individual space-planning types of modern mobile housing, in particular, typological trends based on the volume-planning principles of block-container production, in particular, using Cargotecture technologies and capsule-type dwellings. The work compares the development of the mobile residential industry in various European regions of the postindustrial period and notes the progressive nature of the introduction of new constructive and technological areas in the countries of Western Europe. In the presented article are analyzed the possibilities of residential mobile products in the market of building technologies in the conditions of modern Ukraine. As a result of the study of mobile housing produced by Ukrainian construction companies, distinctive features have been revealed, evidencing the nature of the social and economic order for mobile residential products.
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