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Title: Експериментальні дослідження малогабаритного навантажувача при переїзді через одиночну перешкоду
Other Titles: Экспериментальные исследования малогабаритного погрузчика при переезде через одиночное препятствие
Experimental study of a compact loader while moving over a single obstacle
Authors: Єфименко, Олександр Володимирович
Ефименко, Александр Владимирович
Yefymenko, Oleksandr
Плугіна, Т. В.
Плугина, Т. В.
Pluhina, T. V.
Мусаєв, З. Р.
Мусаев, З. Р.
Musaiev, Z. R.
Keywords: моделювання
робочий процес
комп'ютерний експеримент
рабочий процесс;
компьютерный эксперимент
computer experiment
working process
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Єфіменко О. В. Інноваційна система ЗТМ для розробки грунту на основі GPS-технологій / О. В. Єфіменко, Т. В. Плугіна, З. Р. Мусаев // Строительство, материаловедение, машиностроение : сб. науч. тр. / Приднепр. гос. акад. стр-ва и архитектуры. – Днепр, 2018. – Вып. 103. – С. 83-89. – (Подъёмно-транспортные, строительные и дорожные машины и оборудование).‬
Abstract: EN: Abstract. Problem setting. The topicality of the work lies in creation and perfection of building and road machin In this article, the working process of a small-sized loader PMTS 1200 is considered, namely, the process of movi over a single obstacle. Due to the short base of the loader, it is unstable, which causes a number of emergency situatio during its operation. First of all, it should be noted that the technology of automated dynamic analysis makes it possib to simplify and accelerate the solution of problems of mathematical modeling and, finally, improve the efficiency developing new scientific and technical products significantly. Therefore, in the first place, this work is aimed increasing the efficiency of operation of building and road machines and improving the reliability and quality of wo performance. The aim of the research is carrying out experimental studies of the process of moving a compact loa over a single obstacle, and, with the help of experimental data, offering some recommendations for improving f efficiency of this machine in the given working process. Conclusion. The results of the experimental study of working process of moving a compact loader over a single obstacle have been presented. The parameters of ! oscillatory processes have been analyzed with the help of modern measuring equipment, the plan and methodology! the experiment have been elaborated in detail, and the graphs of some processed data, which in the future would be vé interesting to compare with the results of computer and mathematical modeling, have also been presented.
Appears in Collections:Вып. 103

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