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dc.contributor.authorBezverkhyi, Dmytro-
dc.contributor.authorFedyn, Vladyslav-
dc.contributor.authorMyslytska, Anastasia-
dc.identifier.citationBezverkhyi D. 3D printing for a new construction process entitled "egg shell" / D. Bezverkhyi, V. Fedyn, A. Myslytska // Інноваційні технології в будівництві, цивільній інженерії та архітектурі : тези XVIІI міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (26 листопада 2020 р., м. Дніпро). – Дніпро, 2020. – С. 19-21en_US
dc.description.abstractEN: Currently, methods of manufacturing building structures and productsusing a 3D printer becoming more and more popular. Such a technology for manufacturingstructures consists in principe that a building or its individual structural elements can beconstructed by layer-by-layer application of a concrete mixture using special computer programs. Using of 3D printing allows you to reach a new level of creating objects of complexconfiguration using the necessary materials. With the help of construction 3D printers, you cancreate high-strength structures in shortest possible time, and reduce labor costs and production waste to a minimum.Purpose of the study. Сonsists in a combination of large-scale robotic FDM printing withsimultaneous pouring of fast-setting concrete.en_US
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»en_US
dc.subjectconstruction processen_US
dc.subject"egg shell"en_US
dc.title3D printing for a new construction process entitled "egg shell"en_US
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