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Title: Assessment of the carbon footprint of multi-storey hybrid timber-concrete building
Authors: Shekhorkina, Svitlana
Yurchenko, Yevhenii
Koval, Olena
Kolokhov, Oleksandr
Keywords: carbon footprint
timber-concrete building
Issue Date: Nov-2020
Publisher: ДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»
Citation: Assessment of the carbon footprint of multi-storey hybrid timber-concrete building / S. Shekhorkina, Y. Yurchenko, O. Koval, O. Kolokhov // Інноваційні технології в будівництві, цивільній інженерії та архітектурі : тези XVIІI міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (26 листопада 2020 р., м. Дніпро). – Дніпро, 2020. – С. 40-41
Abstract: EN: Environmental problems are related not only to the reduction of the use of non-renewable resources, but also the reduction of emissions, waste and pollutants. Theimportant indicator for the environmental impact assessment is the carbon footprint, which is expressed as the carbon dioxide equivalent. The carbon footprint evaluation for a specific construction project must take into account all emissions that occur not only during the service life. The possibilities of reuse and/or recycling of components and materials in the future after demolition of the building should also be considered, as well as, where possible, impacts outside the system of the construction site. To reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry, in particular the carbon footprint of the building, innovative design solutions for multi-storey hybrid buildings, which allow application of timber in combination with traditional reinforced concrete or steel structures, are being developed today. Purpose of the study. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of multi-storey hybrid buildings with wooden structures in terms of reducing the carbon footprint.
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