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dc.contributor.authorBalashova, Yuliia-
dc.contributor.authorDemianenko, Viktor-
dc.contributor.authorSankov, Petro-
dc.contributor.authorLukianenko, Vladislav-
dc.identifier.citationNew construction solutions and materials for panels of road pavements / Y. Balashova, V. Demianenko, P. Sankov, V. Lukianenko // Інноваційні технології у будівництві, цивільній інженерії та архітектури : тези XIХ міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., (19-22 вересня 2021 р., м. Чернігів). – Дніпро : ДВНЗ ПДАБА, 2021. – С. 21-23en_US
dc.description.abstractEN: Plastic waste and its recycling are a serious threat for the environment leading to the pollution and global warming. The huge amount of waste plastics inevitably enters the environment; each year, more than 8 000 000 tons of plastic fall into the oceans. Scientists around the world are looking for ways to minimize the harmful effect of waste plastics on nature. The use of plastic waste for the construction and repair of roads is innovative and ecological solution to recycle plastic. The alternative use of waste plastics in bitumen mixtures improves their properties as well as increases their strength.en_US
dc.publisherДВНЗ «Придніпровська державна академія будівництва та архітектури»en_US
dc.subjectmaterials for panels of road pavementsen_US
dc.titleNew construction solutions and materials for panels of road pavementsen_US
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